
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning Quiz Questions - Missouri
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning

Which 755 mile Interstate links Kansas City to Grand Forks, North Dakota ?


Interstate 72
Interstate 44
Interstate 29
Interstate 70

The confluence of the Missouri and Mississipi Rivers happens close to which area ?


Kansas City
Jefferson City
St Louis

St Louis lies on which 2153 mile main Interstate linking Cove Fort, Utah to Baltimore, Maryland ?


Interstate 72
Interstate 44
Interstate 29
Interstate 70

Which area is famous for its 192 meter Gateway Arch ?


Kansas City
Jefferson City
St Louis

Missouri is known as the


Sunflower State
Show Me State
Sooner State
Silver State

HQ for Anheuser Bush and location of the world largest brewery is


Kansas City
Jefferson City
St Louis

Which river defines the eastern border of Missouri ?


Missouri River
Arkansas River
Mississippi River
Colorado River

The largest city in Missouri with around 450 000 citizens is


Kansas City
Jefferson City
St Louis

The population of Missouri is around


580 000
15.8 million
1.58 million
5.8 million

Which US President was born in Lamar, Missouri in 1884 and served in Office between 1945-1953 ?


Harry S Truman
Herbert Hoover
Dwight Eisenhower
Franklin D Roosevelt

Discerningly Versed www.dniv.com 2012